I <3 Immunity
CHALLENGE: Develop an effective grassroots campaign to support legislation in California that makes it harder for parents to avoid public health recommendations regarding infectious disease. Provide a convincing platform and vocabulary for supporters of this controversial bill. GROUP: Vaccinate California, is a grassroots organization that co-sponsored the bill to end personal belief exemptions from vaccines […]
Gap / Old Navy
Old Navy Visual Database 50,000 designs and growing – built with Aritable – This solution overcame a decades old problem. Old Navy Virtual Store built with Mockshop using photos, visual database, and 3D fixture designs. Old Navy Store Magazine Old Navy Magazine – Photo Art Direction and Design Old Navy Magazine – Photo Art Direction […]
Public Bikes Design Challenge: Create a beautiful, trustworthy online purchasing experience for bikes, a product customers are accustomed to buying in stores. Establish brand guidelines and art direct an easily recognizable brand presence across web, print, and social media. PUBLIC Bikes is an urban bicycle company founded by Rob Forbes (Design Within Reach) in 2010. […]